2024 印度孟買金塔寺|全球觀禪塔冥想中心| 本來想去逛個大賣場,結果沒法購物,地圖上看到有個寶塔,想說前來參觀一下,沒想到意外的驚喜,真的是很棒的一個地方,而且人潮也不少,算是在孟買個人非常推薦的一個寶藏地點,其實也可以搭車前往,但是會比較繞比較遠,所以我還是建議搭船體驗一下,也可以跟當地人接觸,會是一個不錯的體驗,讓你可以感受到印度人的友善。非常推薦各位到訪走走,也希望你們會喜歡。
Originally wanted to go to a big store, the result is no shopping, the map saw a pagoda, want to say come to visit, did not expect an unexpected surprise, is really a great place, and the crowd is also a lot of people, is in Mumbai personally very recommended a treasure place, in fact, you can also take a ride to go, but it will be more winding than far away, so I still recommend taking the boat to experience a little bit, you can also contact with the locals, it will be a good experience!It will be a good experience for you to feel the friendliness of Indian people.I highly recommend you to visit and I hope you will enjoy it.
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Camera:Insta 360 ace pro