把腌渍好的肉块串起来 | skew the marinated cubes of meat 给肉馅擦拌些香料 | zest some lemon for flavor 在披萨顶部撒一些奶酪 | sprinkle some cheese on the top of pizza 把披萨面团扔起来 | toss the pizza dough in the air 用擀面杖把面团擀开 | roll out the dough with a rolling pin 把糖溶解在水中 | dissolve some sugar in water 磨刀 | sharpen the knife 把薯条蘸入番茄酱 | dip the fries in ketchup 嫩化肉类 | tenderize the meat 过滤茶叶 | strain the tea 过筛面粉 | sift sunflower