西撒哈拉音乐组合 “Tasuta N-Imal (ⵜⵏⵉ)” 的歌曲Sigham Olinw(为你铺就心房),表达了摩洛哥东南部小村庄一位年轻人的悲痛。这位年轻人因无法忍受他所爱的人决定嫁给别人的现实。然而,女孩仍然爱着他,但她害怕社会的舆论,害怕不结婚就一辈子没有归宿,所以她选择了结婚。通常有一定经济基础、能养家糊口的男子总是很容易迎娶。而对于他这个一穷二白年轻人来说,这却是一件非常困难的事情,因为他的生活朝不保夕。另外歌曲标题“Sigham Olinw”的意思是把你的心当作一张床送给你所爱的人,让他可以安然入睡,感受到挚爱和家的温馨。 歌词唱到: Your light didn't go away, you're much better than a medicine There's no trust, you'd rather go I carpeted my heart for you, you're much better than a medicine You want to go away, you'd rather go You tattooed your hand with henna, and put the bride's cover on your head, didn't you?