7月26日,悉尼天晴。上午九點30分,早上九點30分氣溫約13 °C。 此時,在蘭德威克的瑪吉爾街 8 號高樓上望向朝東南面,在陽光映照下,美麗、金黃色的晨景映入眼簾⋯⋯。 近看所見,建築物主要是平房,建築物周圍佈滿綠樹,還有飛鳥,⋯⋯ 遠處可見,南庫吉海面,藍天,灰色雲層、白色雲層,⋯⋯ 我喜歡澳洲這種平實而簡單之美,陽光、藍天、大海、綠樹、平房⋯⋯ On July 26, Sydney had clear sky. At 9:30 a.m., the temperature was about 13°C. At this time, I could see a beautiful and golden morning view in the southeast direction from a high-rise building at 8 Magill Street, Randwick. Looking up close, I could see the buildings were predominantly bungalows, the buildings were surrounded by green trees, flying birds, and… Looking in the distance, I could see South Coogee Sea, the blue sky, …