8月3日,悉尼天晴。中午1點,氣溫約18度。 植物學濕地這裡,此時似乎只有噴泉啟動的水流聲、水禽的鳴叫聲,沒有其他聲音。 水岸邊,兩隻水鳥,驚動了正在讀書的少女;而不遠處的水邊,一隻休閒的可愛黑天鵝,吸引了少女投去的目光,⋯⋯。 身處人與水禽之間和睦相處、融為一體的環境裡,真是太舒服了! On August 3rd, the weather in Sydney was clear. At 1 PM, the temperature was about 18°C. In the botany wetlands, the only sounds were the flowing water from the fountain and the calls of waterfowl, with no other noise. By the waterfront, two water birds startled a young girl who was reading; meanwhile, not far away, a relaxed and adorable black swan caught the girl’s attention… Being in an environment where humans and waterfowl coexist harmoniously and blend into one is so comfortable!