Cav和Rose 上个月从张家界自驾到了重庆,又乘高铁南下昆明,途中旅拍了很多有意思的视频. 而在这众多素材之中,我们决定先和大家聊聊最让 Rose 期待的中国高铁商务座.这集视频也会和一等座,二等座一起对比一下.不知道大家平时对中国的公共交通怎么看? 评论和我们聊一聊. We tried the first class, business class, on one of the fastest trains on Earth in China! We also show you what every class looks like, give you a tour of the facilities, what food you can eat, and make you feel like you’re really there with us! What do you think of high speed trains in China?