7月15日,雨後的悉尼天晴。早晨9.30,氣溫約13度。 這天早晨,植物學水保護區大草地,草色青綠、空氣清新,靜謐,遊人不多,真是運動、漫步好地方。放眼望去,在主人目視下,儘管還殘存雨後痕跡,但小狗們仍快活地在草地上來回滾動。抬頭望去,一道彩虹掛在草地上空,讓人感覺煥然一新。⋯⋯此時,一對情侶帶著兩條小狗,邊走邊聊,從眼前走過,⋯⋯。 此時此地情境,人與自然的融合,太美妙了! On July 15, it was sunny in Sydney after the rain. At 9.30 a.m., the temperature was about 13 degrees. This morning, the grass was green in the large grassland of the Botany Water Reserve. The air was fresh air, and it was quiet with few tourists. It was really a good place for exercise and strolling. …