(本视频以及视频简介内所有网址、文本介绍等信息均来自互联网,这些信息仅提供参考,请自行鉴别其有效性、真实性、安全性!视频为游戏录像,游戏中的内容和看法不代表本视频账号观点。) 【游戏名】:Good Knight Kitty 【游戏链接】:jmbjr.itch.io/good-knight-kitty 【游戏开发者】: John Boyle- Programming, Integration, Jason Boyle- Music & Sound FX, Jerry Boyle- Level Design & Balance, Sophia Hsu- Art & Story, Paul Hsu- Programming, Vivian & Vincent- Testing, 【游戏介绍】: Play as Sir Knight, an old cat stuffy coming out of retirement to help defend a young girl from pesky rats in the night. Art/story inspired by a board game called Stuffed Fables. This is a survival game using a rock, paper, scissors mechanic. Thanks for playing!