独酌 杜牧 长空碧杳杳,万古一飞鸟。 生前酒伴闲,愁醉闲多少。 烟深隋家寺,殷叶暗相照。 独佩一壶游,秋毫泰山小。 Solitary Drinking Du Mu The vast sky stretches blue and far, A solitary bird flies through the ages. Companions in wine once filled my days, Now in sorrow, how many idle drunken moments pass. Smoke shrouds the Sui temple deep, The dense leaves reflect in the gloom. Alone with a flask, I wander free, Autumn's fine touch makes Mount Tai seem small. 长空碧蓝无垠,千古流传的只有一只飞鸟。生前,我与酒作伴,忧愁让我沉醉,烦恼也不断涌上心头。 雾气笼罩着隋家寺庙,密密的殷红叶片相互映照。我独自佩戴着一壶酒,仿佛秋天的细毫般渺小。