西方媒体近年针对中国涉穆斯林问题,长期通过刻意抹黑和扭曲事实的方式来迷惑海内外读者和观众. Rose 看到了这些荒谬新闻以后决定带着大家走进中国首都北京的牛街,体验正宗的清真美食,探访神圣的清真寺. 大家身边有回族维吾尔族的朋友吗? 可以评论聊聊你对于这件事情的看法. The western media talks about suppression of Islamic culture in China, so what’s really going on? I’m here to give you a few answers to things that have been falsely reported on. We walk around Niujie street, the largest Muslim area of Beijing. Come learn a few things, see what halal food we eat, and check out some mosques with us!