兰溪 杜牧 兰溪春尽碧泱泱, 映水兰花雨发香。 楚国大夫憔悴日, 应寻此路去潇湘。 Orchid Creek Du Mu By the moon's waning light, the creek spreads vast and green, Orchids reflect in water, fragrance blooms in rain. In days when lords of Chu grew wan and lean, This path they sought, to journey to the Xiang River's sheen. 春天的兰溪水面碧波荡漾, 倒映在水中的兰花在雨后散发出香气。 楚国的大夫们日渐憔悴, 他们应该沿着这条路去往潇湘。