鹤 杜牧 清音迎晓月,愁思立寒蒲。 丹顶西施颊,霜毛四皓须。 碧云行止躁,白鹭性灵粗。 终日无群伴,溪边吊影孤。 The Crane Du Mu By the moon's dawn radiance, the clear note rings, Beside cold reeds, it stands in thoughtful musing. Crest of the sun, like Xi Shi's cheeks adorned, Hoary plumes, like the Four Sages, frost-born. In azure clouds, its restlessness it shows, With white egrets, its spirit's coarseness grows. All day, without companions, it roams alone, By the brook's edge, its lonely shadow it mourns. 仙鹤迎着晓月,发出清越的叫声,它静静地立在寒蒲之中,像是在深思发愁。 它那丹顶像是西施绯红的双颊;它那白色的羽毛像是商山四晧的胡须。 它既没有碧云的浮躁,也没有白鹭性灵粗糙的缺陷。 它整日没有群伴,也只得形影相吊,孤立溪边。