傅科摆相关资料来源: 网页资料: 南极傅科摆实验 South Pole Foucault Pendulum Winter, 2001 新南威尔士大学 UNSW-PHYSCLIP- Foucault Pengulum 论文资料: Foucault and the rotation of the Earth, Joël Sommeria The Description of Foucault's Pendulum, Somerville, W. B. 视频资料: Great moments in science and technology, planet schule How FOUCAULT PENDULUM Works and Proves Earth is a Round SPINNING Sphere, stick science Scientific Contributions of Leon Foucault - Dr. Matt Nehring - November 17, 2010, Adam State University 其他资料: 维基百科:傅科摆/傅科/傅科陀螺仪/科里奥利力/地心说/日心说/Fallexperimente zum Nachweis der Erdrotation