这期视频记录了我鹿特丹之行第1天的行程:这一天主要的行程就是从布鲁塞尔去鹿特丹,视频中分享了整个过程,包括如何在布鲁塞尔中央火车站找到坐大巴的地方,以及我在鹿特丹入住的青旅,希望对打算去鹿特丹的朋友可以做一个参考~ This video records the itinerary of my first day in Rotterdam: the main itinerary of this day was to go from Brussels to Rotterdam. The video shares the whole process, including how to find the bus at Brussels Central Station and the youth hostel I stayed in Rotterdam. I hope it can be a reference for friends who are planning to go to Rotterdam~