悉尼家中這盤盛開的”假日仙人掌” 初冬6月10日,悉尼天晴,早上9:00左右、氣溫約12度。 這盤《假日仙人掌》,自今年5月18日開出第一朵花以來,已經過20多天。儘管仍有花蕊 “含苞未放”,但已看到它盛開的美態⋯⋯在綠色而肉肉萌般的掌葉襯托中,紅色、粉紅色、白色的群花競相綻放,一縷陽光照進,使之更美加豔美。 明年花期,希望這盤假日仙人掌,真能如專家所說那樣,「不僅每年開花,而且會開出比去年更多的花。」 This pot of "Holiday Cactus" is blooming at my home in Sydney It was an early winter morning on June 10. At 9 a.m., it was sunny in Sydney, with a temperature of about 12 degrees. It has been more than 20 days since the first flower of this "Holiday Cactus" bloomed on May 18. Although there are stamens still in bud, we can already see its beauty in bloom... Among the green and fleshy palm leaves, ⋯