(本视频以及视频简介内所有网址、文本介绍等信息均来自互联网,这些信息仅提供参考,请自行鉴别其有效性、真实性、安全性!本账号不保证其中网页链接及下载内容的安全性,请谨慎打开!视频为游戏录像,游戏中的内容和看法不代表本视频账号观点。) 【游戏名】:madden genesis 【游戏链接】:blebgo.itch.io/madden-genesis 【游戏制作】:blebuel 【游戏介绍】: Witness the beginning of modern football when the game was changed in 2003 by one man single handedly taking on the ancient evils of the football world. A tale of courage, excitement and woe. Take on the tragedies of american football one step at a time. I made this with my pal codz who did the music and soundage.