这期视频记录了我沙勒罗瓦之行第2天的行程:这一天主要的行程就是沙勒罗瓦市区徒步旅行,从沙勒罗瓦中央火车站沿着桑布尔河徒步,这一路上看到了大量被废弃的老工厂,怪不得沙勒罗瓦被欧洲人称为欧洲最丑城市,这期视频带大家现场看看真实的沙勒罗瓦~ This video records the itinerary of the second day of my trip to Charleroi: the main itinerary of this day is a hiking trip in the city of Charleroi. I hiked from Charleroi Central Station along the Sambre River. Along the way, I saw a lot of abandoned old factories. No wonder Charleroi is called the ugliest city in Europe by Europeans. This video takes you to see the real Charleroi~