Cav和Rose 一直生活在北京,每天在路上看到最多的就是绿牌电动汽车.偶尔滴滴打车大概率来的也是电动车. 正好赶上我们有了“新”的用车需求,赶紧去试驾了几台Rose非常喜欢的国产电车. 这集vlog 咱就主打一个广撒网,欢迎大家向我们推荐喜欢的车型.如果这集反响好,我们就根据大家的评论,再去体验体验. EVs in China are cars of the future! We go and check out a few different brands and styles of EV cars because we need a new one for a growing family~ Come with us to check out why EVs in China are dominating every other country!