2008年5月15日 苹果电脑公司和皮克斯动画工作室的首席执行官兼联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)从他生命中一些最关键的时刻中汲取灵感,敦促毕业生追求自己的梦想,并在生活中的挫折中看到机会 - 包括死亡本身 - 周日在斯坦福体育场举行的斯坦福大学第114届毕业典礼。 Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks-- including death itself-- at Stanford University's 114th Commencement on Sunday in Stanford Stadium.