这期视频记录了我尼斯之行第2天的行程:这一天的主要行程是先沿着盎格鲁街道走到尽头,打卡了尼斯的地标,然后爬上堡丘公园俯瞰尼斯城,接着逛了尼斯的老城区,最后还打卡了尼斯的圣母圣殿,这是缩小版的巴黎圣母院,非常值得来参观... This video records the itinerary of the second day of my trip to Nice: the main itinerary of this day was to walk along the end of the Promenade des Anglais, check in the landmarks of Nice, then climb up the Parc des Forts to overlook the city of Nice, then visit the old town of Nice, and finally check in the Basilica of Notre Dame in Nice, which is a smaller version of Notre Dame de Paris and is well worth a visit...