This will be a great activity for guessing definitions through context 这将有效地帮大家提高通过上下文猜测词义的能力。 Step 1: Listen to the word and the sentence. 第一步:听单词和句子。 Step 2: Write down what you think that word means by guessing. 第二步:通过猜测写下你认为这个词的意思。 Step 3: Look up the word in the dictionary to later double check. 第三步:查词典,确认你的猜测是否正确。 Remember guys this is all about guesswork. 记住,这个练习的关键是“猜测”。 So don't just go immediately to a dictionary if you don't know and try and look it up. 所以,如果你不认识这个单词,不要马上去查字典哦。