灞陵行送别 李白 送君灞陵亭,灞水流浩浩。 上有无花之古树,下有伤心之春草。 我向秦人问路歧,云是王粲南登之古道。 古道连绵走西京,紫阙落日浮云生。 正当今夕断肠处,骊歌愁绝不忍听。 Farewell at the Baling Pavilion Li Bai I bid you farewell at the Baling Pavilion, As the Baling River flows mighty and vast. Above are ancient trees devoid of blossoms, Below are vernal grasses causing heartache. I inquire of the Qin folk about the road, They say it's the ancient path Wang Can traversed south. This ancient path leads continuously to the… 送君送到灞陵亭,灞水浩荡似深情。 岸上古树已无鲜花,岸边有伤心的春草,萋萋蓠蓠。 我向当地的秦人问路,他说:这正是当初王粲南去走的古道。 古道的那头逶迤连绵通长安,紫色宫阙上浮云顿生,遮蔽了红日。 正当今夜送君断肠的时候,虽有黄鹂婉婉而啼,此心愁绝,怎么忍心听?