开源之夏是中国科学院软件研究所发起的开源软件供应链点亮计划系列暑期活动,旨在鼓励在校学生积极参与开源软件的开发维护,促进优秀开源软件社区的蓬勃发展。活动联合各大开源社区,针对重要开源软件的开发与维护提供项目,并向全球高校学生开放报名。Excelize 在 2024 开源之夏活动中设立了课题奖金,欢迎高校的同学们申请 Excelize 相关技术课题,报名时间: 2024/04/30-6/04,申请方式: 开源之夏网站。 OSPP is a summer program organized by the Open Source Software Supply Chain Promotion Plan of the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences. Excelize is a library written in pure Go providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. We are open enrollment to college students around the world.