1米94的我不做音乐了! 我要当模特 :P 开玩笑 哈哈 我还是舍不得离开音乐 但是偶尔尝试别的活动也很好玩。 今天有机会来到墨尔本的FENDI, 我们的朋友Viola 给我们介绍新季的衣服也帮我找到最帅气的打扮。 你们觉得怎么样 当模特还有机会吗? I'm done with music! Switching careers to being a male model :P Just kidding haha, can't imagine leaving music behind, but it's fun to try something new every now and then. Today we are heading to FENDI to try out their new season looks thank to our friend Viola, who will set me up with the best fits. What do you guys think, do I have a chance in the fashion scene?