冲动 Impulsive 的英语怎么说 相关的短语 Impulse buy 冲动消费 Spur - of - the - moment decision 一时冲动的决定 Impetuous 冲动的,鲁莽的 一个例句 I bought these shoes on an impulse , and now I regret it . 我一时冲动买了这些鞋,现在我后悔了。 一段对话 John , did you see the new laptop I bought yesterday ? 约翰,你看到我昨天买的新笔记本电脑了吗? Yes , I did . It looks expensive . Was it an impulsive buy ? 看到了。它看起来很贵。 这是一时冲动的购买吗? Kind of . I saw it and just couldn ' t resist . 有点。我看到它就忍不住了。 I always try to be more rational when it comes to big purchases . 对于大额购物,我总是尽量保持理智。 That ' s a good approach . I should think more carefully next time . 那是个好方法。下次我应该更仔细地考虑。 Yeah , a well - thought - out decis