New Year's Resolution 新年目标 相关短语 - Set a goal 设定一个目标 - Make a commitment 做出承诺 - Make a wish 许个愿 一个例句 - My New Year's resolution is to exercise more and eat healthier. 我的新年决心是要更多锻炼,吃得更健康。 一段对话 - Have you made any New Year's resolutions, David? 大卫,你有什么新年决心吗? - Yes, I've decided to learn a new language this year. 有的,我决定今年学一门新语言。 - That's a great resolution! I want to read more books. 这是个很好的决心!我想读更多的书。 - Setting goals for the new year is a good way to motivate ourselves. 为新年设定目标是激励自己的好方法。 - Absolutely, it's all about improving and growing. 绝对是的,这都是关于改善和成长。 #NewYearsResolution #新年目标 #短语 #对话 #目标 #决心