Gemas是马来西亚彭亨州的一个小镇,位于吉隆坡和新加坡之间的铁路交叉点。这个地区因其铁路枢纽而闻名,也是连接马来半岛东西部的交通要道。 Gemas在马来西亚的铁路网络中扮演着重要角色,因为这里有一座铁路交汇点,允许火车在这里转向或连接不同的线路。这使得Gemas成为重要的运输枢纽,连接了马来半岛的南北和东西方向。 Gemas is a small town in the Malaysian state of Pahang, located at the railway crossing between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The area is famous for its railway hub and a major transportation link between the east and west of the Malay Peninsula. Gemas plays an important role in Malaysia's railway network as it has a railway junction that allows trains to turn around or connect to different lines. This makes Gemas an important transportation hub, connecting the north-south and east-west