全麦面粉 Whole wheat flour 200g 高筋面粉 Bread flour 100g 水 Water 200g 鲜酵母 Fresh yeast 10g 盐 Salt 5g 葡萄干 Raisin 45g 朗姆酒(可选)Rum (optional) 烤箱预热250℃ 如果烤箱带高温蒸汽功能,则高温蒸汽250℃ 8分钟(没有高温蒸汽功能就在面团入炉前向烤箱内喷水) 然后使用烘烤功能230℃ 再烤8分钟 Preheat the oven to 250℃. If you have a steam function, use steam for 8 minutes at 250°C. (If you don't have a steam function, spray the inside of the oven with water when placing the dough in the oven.) Switch to oven and cook at 220℃ for another 7~8minutes.