参考资料(部分): 下一代超级材料—碳纳米管的未来(张如范,inSite); The orbital tower: A spacecraft launcher using the Earth's rotational energy.(Jerome Pearson,Volume 2, Issues 9–10, September–October 1975, Pages 785-799,Acta Astronautica); 架起通往太空的天梯(魏飞,CC讲坛); Office of the Chief Technologist-Centennial Challenges-Strong Tether Challenge.(2011,NASA); 超长碳纳米管及其功能纤维的可控制备与性质研究(张如范,科研云); Nanotechnology Flight Test: Material Impact on the Future.(May 16, 2017,NASA); Growth of Half-Meter Long Carbon Nanotubes Based on Schulz–Flory Distribution.( 2013,7,7, 6156–6161,ACS Nano); Synthesis of Ultralong Carbon Nanotubes with Ultrahigh Yields.(2023,23,2, 523–532,Nano Lett. ); 彭练矛院士:国际半导体发展趋势与中国的碳基机遇……