Learning content for today: 1. Expressions: recipe[ˈresəpi] n. 食谱;配方 corporate/ ˈkɔːrpərət / n.公司 pregnant[ˈpreɡnənt] adj.怀孕的 hectic[ˈhektɪk] adj.忙碌的;繁忙的 irony [ˈaɪrəni] n.反讽;讽刺 humiliated/ hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪd / adj.丢脸的 elf/ elf / n.小精灵;小妖精 2. Sentences: 句① But this was not the case. 现实却不尽如人意。句② You are going to behave today. 你们今天得乖乖的 句③ just so you know how serious I am... 你们要知道 我不是说说而已 句④ Are you willing to risk that? 想试试吗? 句⑤ Let's get this over with. 那就乖乖的吧/结束吧