链接:app.crackingthecryptic.com/sudoku/8L2Pmn44rp Self-determination by Stephane Bura Place the digits 1 to 8 in each row and each column. Each horizontal domino that has both its digits in the first 7 columns forms the coordinates of a digit in the grid: The leftmost member of the pair is its row. The rightmost member of the pair is its column. Its value is the row in which the pair is. For instance, if R4C1 contains 7 and R4C2 contains 5 then R7C5 contains 4. 自我决定 作者:Stephane Bura 将数字1到8放在每行和每列中。每一个数字都位于前7列的水平数对形成了网格中一个数字的坐标:这对数字中最左边的数是它的行。这对中最右边的数是它的列。它的值是该对所在的行。例如,如果第4行第1列是7,第4行第2列是5,则第7行第5列是4。