
决策哲学|Secrets of a Stockpicking Star|选股明星的秘密


Make Better Decisions|斯坦福&沃顿商学院经典商业决策案例教程

决策哲学|Holding Court|引人注目|How the NBA Builds TeamsApp17:38
决策哲学|Holding Court|引人注目|How the NBA Builds Teams
决策哲学|Secrets of a Stockpicking Star|选股明星的秘密App28:44
决策哲学|Secrets of a Stockpicking Star|选股明星的秘密
决策哲学|Turning ‘Bad’ Investments into Good ProfitsApp27:46
决策哲学|Turning ‘Bad’ Investments into Good Profits
决策哲学|Corporate Good vs Social Good|鱼和熊掌能兼得么?App25:47
决策哲学|Corporate Good vs Social Good|鱼和熊掌能兼得么?
决策哲学|Can (and Should) Corporations Be Taxed|关于税筹App27:38
决策哲学|Can (and Should) Corporations Be Taxed|关于税筹
Fair or Unfair Do Competitive Markets Give Everyone a ChanceApp31:55
Fair or Unfair Do Competitive Markets Give Everyone a Chance
决策哲学|Is Bankruptcy the End|破产是终结么|Jim MillsteinApp28:46
决策哲学|Is Bankruptcy the End|破产是终结么|Jim Millstein
决策哲学|How the Best Investors Approach Their MistakesApp23:14
决策哲学|How the Best Investors Approach Their Mistakes
决策哲学|Whats Wrong with Buybacks|回购的问题App21:25
决策哲学|Whats Wrong with Buybacks|回购的问题
决策哲学|A Pound of Flesh And Student Debt|Sheila BairApp24:15
决策哲学|A Pound of Flesh And Student Debt|Sheila Bair
决策哲学|Shareholder vs Stakeholder Capitalism|Alex EdmansApp25:17
决策哲学|Shareholder vs Stakeholder Capitalism|Alex Edmans
决策哲学|Corporations as Job Security Providers|保障提供者App20:07
决策哲学|Corporations as Job Security Providers|保障提供者
决策哲学|Does Regulation Help or Hurt Consumers|管制的影响App27:36
决策哲学|Does Regulation Help or Hurt Consumers|管制的影响
决策|The Value Of Protecting Unpleasant Speech|JohnPaulsonApp26:44
决策|The Value Of Protecting Unpleasant Speech|JohnPaulson
决策|Can The Free Market Discourage Fraud|Marc CohodesApp26:59
决策|Can The Free Market Discourage Fraud|Marc Cohodes
视角|Steve Kerr|Head Coach of the Golden State WarriorsApp60:04
视角|Steve Kerr|Head Coach of the Golden State Warriors
The Future of Central Bank|Digital Currency|Kevin WarshApp26:30
The Future of Central Bank|Digital Currency|Kevin Warsh
决策|Risk and the Fundamental Tradeoff of Corporate FinanceApp21:14
决策|Risk and the Fundamental Tradeoff of Corporate Finance
解密|Disentangling Causation and Correlation|Guido ImbensApp28:36
解密|Disentangling Causation and Correlation|Guido Imbens
决策|How Do You Know If Your Marketing Dollars Are WorkingApp26:51
决策|How Do You Know If Your Marketing Dollars Are Working
决策哲学|When Banking Fails|Amit SeruApp33:46
决策哲学|When Banking Fails|Amit Seru
商业决策|Bubble Trouble|Will Goetzmann|经济泡沫问题App28:46
商业决策|Bubble Trouble|Will Goetzmann|经济泡沫问题
Investigating Implausible Theories of The Case of COVIDApp29:33
Investigating Implausible Theories of The Case of COVID
The Future of AI | Michal KosinskiApp30:32
The Future of AI | Michal Kosinski
Incentives and ExternalitiesApp25:50
Incentives and Externalities
“How Do You Become CEO” with Dirk JenterApp33:12
“How Do You Become CEO” with Dirk Jenter
“Becoming a Better Communicator” with Matt AbrahamsApp26:04
“Becoming a Better Communicator” with Matt Abrahams
How Much Should You SaveApp27:34
How Much Should You Save
Labor Unions and Detroit StruggleApp26:48
Labor Unions and Detroit Struggle
How Risky Should Your Retirement Savings BeApp24:24
How Risky Should Your Retirement Savings Be
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