前言: 当代互联网发展越发高达,人们对手机的依赖程度也很高。 时间也在不断地被手机占用,导致睡眠时间与质量在不断的下降。 核心原因:我失眠,很容易睡不好觉。 为了解决以上问题,这边准备做一个帮助睡眠的装置。 通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉、乃至触觉等几大感官帮助失眠人群睡觉。 —————————————————————————————————————— preface: With the development of the Internet, people are increasingly dependent on mobile phones. Time is also constantly occupied by mobile phones, resulting in a continuous decline in sleep time and quality. Core reason: I have insomnia and can't sleep well easily. To solve the above problems, we are going to make a device to help sleep. Help insomnia people sleep through vision, hearing, smell, and even touch.