Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与讨厌 120.I love it. 我太喜欢了。 121.It's really cool. 真是很酷。 122.He drives me mad.他真让我受不了。 123.Get off my back!别再烦我了。 124.It's really annoying.那样很烦人 ♦️ 125.Stick to the rules. 遵守规则。 126.Toe the line. 循规蹈矩。 127.Fly off the handle. 冲动。 128.Do what you are told. 叫你怎么做,你就怎么做。 129.You can't do that! 你不能那么做! 130.It's against the rules. 这是违反规定的。