保定西大街始建于宋、成于元、兴于清,形成于保定建城之初即宋代淳化年间(公元990~994年),是目前中国国内保存较为完好的具明清、民国时期风貌特色的历史文化街区,被誉为“直隶第一街”和“北方名街”。 West Street was built in the Song, Developed in the Yuan Dynasty, and prospered in the Qing Dynasty. It was formed at the beginning of the founding of Paoting, that is, during the Chunhua period of the Song Dynasty (990~994 AD), is currently a relatively well-preserved historical and cultural district with the characteristics of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republic of China, known as "the first street directly under the subordinate street" and "the famous street in the north".