风味十足的乡村面包 | Easy Country Bread with Olives &pecan nuts 高筋面粉 Bread flour 270g 全麦面粉 Whole wheat flour 30g 干酵母 Instant yeast 1g 水 Water 240g (80%含水量) 盐 Salt 5g 碧根果 Pecans 50g 橄榄 Olives 5-8颗 柠檬皮屑 lemen zest 1/2 烤箱预热260C/500F 开蒸汽5秒钟 210C/410F度烤制25分钟 Preheat the oven to 260C/500F and turn on the steam for 5 seconds Bake at 210C/410F for 25 minutes