1:22 If You're Too Shy (Let Me Know) 1: 22如果你太害羞(让我知道) 5:41 Love Me 5: 41爱我 9:27 Chocolate 9: 27巧克力 13:20 Me & You Together Song 13: 20我和你在一起的歌 17:21 TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME 17: 一次21次 20:56 It's Not Living(If It's Not With You) 20: 56它不是生活(如果它与你无关) 27:00 Paris 27:00巴黎 32:42 Happiness 32:42幸福 37:19 Robbers 37:19强盗 42:28 A Change Of Heart 42:28改变心意 48:37 I'm In Love With You 48:37