辉光列车Max、怪物卡车Blazin' Bill、卡车Pete和观众You,去游乐园乘坐不同的游乐设施。 在游乐园里,他们遇到了他们的朋友机器人J5和机器人O5,叫做Bubble。泡泡不知道任何数字、形状和颜色。玩具和Robo-J5教他数字、形状和颜色,并享受许多不同的游乐设施--摩天轮、过山车、碰碰车、落塔、旋转木马、公园火车和许多其他游乐设施 Max the Glow Train, Blazin' Bill the Monster Truck, Pete the Truck and You, the viewer, go to the amusement park to ride different rides At the Amusement Park they meet their friend Robo-J5 the Robot and O5 the Robot, called Bubble. Bubble does not know any numbers, shapes, or colors. The toys and Robo-J5 teach him numbers, shapes and colors and enjoy lots of different rides -The Ferris wheel, roller coasters, bumper cars, a drop tower ride, a carousel, the park train and many other rides