本节课的知识点: 1.认识字母Aa及其发音 Aa的发音是 æ \ æ \ æ ,Aa这是一个元音字母,所对应的发音有很多种,自然拼音中最为常见的一种发音读 æ ,把舌尖抵住下齿,嘴巴张到两个手指的宽度,舌头伸出来,越夸张越好,振动声带。 2.音频内容: Hi, I am an angry apple. æ \ æ This is the “ æ” sound. This is the letter “ a”, This is the letter “ a” æ \ æ angry apple æ \ æ angry apple What s the beginning sound? æ What letter is this? Aa 认读单词:apple ax ant alligator Apple æ \ æ apple ax æ \ æ ax ant æ \ æ ant alligator æ \ æ alligator 听唱单词: ant apple alligator ax ant apple alligator ax ant apple alligator ax ant apple alligator ax Ok,That was our lesson for today.Come back tomorrow and learn some new letters with us.