推土机韦恩和受训的滑移装载机杰克正在执行建造一所新学校的任务! 在建造之前,他们先清理和平整地面,然后浇筑地基,建造墙壁和天花板,并安装屋顶和窗户。在建造过程中,杰克学到了很多关于建筑工作的知识。杰克意识到,建筑并不容易,但它非常有价值!"。 Wayne the Bulldozer and trainee Jake the Skid Steer are on a mission to build a new school! Before they build they clean and grade the ground, then pour the foundation, build walls and ceilings, and install a roof and windows. During the build Jake learns a lot about how construction works. Jake realizes that building is not easy but it's very rewarding!