柯林斯口语会话 他每周六打高尔夫。第十四单元 数字日期和时间 22.4.23. 他每周六打高尔夫。Cherry老师逐句学柯林斯轻松学英语口语会话 简单易学好用地道 Collins Easy Learning English Conversation Unit 14 Numbers, dates and time 15 P197 I’m going to the garage on Tuesday morning.我周二去修车厂。 I’ll see you on Friday afternoon. 我周五和你见面。 There was a good film on television on Sunday evening. 周日晚上电视上有个好电影。 What are you doing on Saturday night? 你周六晚上干啥? We call her every Monday. 我们每周一给她电话/拜访她。 He plays golf every Saturday. 他每周六打高尔夫。 I used to see them every Friday. 我过去经常每周六去看他。 They go to the same café very Saturday morning. 他们每周六上午去用一家咖啡馆。