逆袭口语和 Cherry老师逐句学柯林斯轻松学英语口语会话 简单易学好用地道 It’s a love poem. 这是首爱情诗。 Is it because it’s a word that can be used for the weather? And he is comparing this love to a summer day? 是不是因为这个单词是用来描绘天气的,莎士比亚用它来比喻自己的爱人, 就像英国温婉的夏天。 I think it is because he is saying that a summer day is very good, but his love is better than that. I don’t understand the second verse, though. 我觉得这个比喻很贴切,因为他说夏天很好,但是他的爱人比夏天更好,我还是不能理解第2行的这个诗句。