看剧学英语 你能不能只给她的菜盘子里吐口水? 《This is going to hurt 难免疼痛》《绝对笑喷之弃业医生日志》 Oh,thank you, you’ve remembered us at last. 谢天谢地, 你终于记起我们(的饭)了 I hope it is to your satisfaction this time. 希望这次你能满意。 Are those chives? /tʃaɪv/这些是细香葱吗? And get him a new one, too, this’s gone stone-cold. 把他的也换了, 饭都凉透了。 Of course, madam. 当然了, 女士。 If you could maybe only spit in hers? 如果要吐口水, 麻烦你只吐到她的盘子里? She never could seem to do anything right or to his satisfaction. 她似乎从来不会做任何正确或令他满意的事情。