22.2.17. 我打电话寻求帮助。/手机相关的词汇 和Cherry老师逐句学柯林斯轻松学英语口语会话 简单易学好用地道 Collins Easy Learning English Conversation Unit 10 Help 12 Say what you want to do / page 139 You could ask for advice at reception. 你可以到前台问问有什么建议。 How about asking Mahmoud for help? 我们找哈默德帮忙吧。 How about taking it to the garage in the village? 咱把车送到村里的汽修厂? How about calling that electrician Marco knows? 咱给马尔科认识的那个电工打电话? I’m going to phone the garage. 我给修车厂打电话。 I’m going to tell the police. 我要告诉警察。 I’m going to call for help on my mobile. 我打电话寻求帮助。 We’re going to phone an electrician. 我们打电话给电工。