00:00 前言 00:46性能参数 05:23历史背景 07:11服役历程 對於一般的軍用航空器而言 不落地加油並且一次飛行上萬公里 在過去似乎是難以想像 而如今隨著空中加油科技的出現及實用化卻已成為事實 空中加油科技簡單地說 就是在空中一架航空器給另一架或數架航空器(或直升機)加注燃油 使其航程加大 續航時間增長的科技 For general military aircraft Refuel without landing and fly tens of thousands of kilometers at a time It seemed unimaginable in the past Now, with the emergence and practicability of aerial refueling technology, it has become a fact Aerial refueling technology, in short It means that one aircraft fills another or several aircraft (or helicopters) with fuel in the air Increase its range Technology for endurance growth