21.21.25. 化解内心的烦恼,我们能靠谁?看英剧学练口语正发音学地道表达 We think we know what we need, don’t we…to fill the holes inside us. 我们总觉得我们需要些什么,来填补我们内心的空白。 But we’re wrong. 但是我们错了。 Well, at least I was. 至少, 我错了。 I thought moving into that house and getting rid of everything, everyone, would help. 我以为搬进了那房子,断舍离所有的东西和人就会有帮助。 But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how pretty or empty your surroundings are not if you’re messed up inside still. 但是到头来,如果你自己的内心一团糟,无论你的环境多美多空旷,(都于事无补) That’s all anyone’s looking for, really, isn’t it? Someone to help take care of the mess inside our heads. 每个人都有这样的奢望,有人能来化解我们内心的一切烦恼。