#视频节点 01:50 什么会影响大脑发育? 02:05 睡眠不同阶段有哪些? 04:15 什么是小年痴呆? #主要参考资料 [1]Havekes, R., Heckman, P. R., Wams, E. J., Stasiukonyte, N., Meerlo, P., & Eisel, U. L. (2019). Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis: The role of disturbed sleep in attenuated brain plasticity and neurodegenerative processes. Cellular Signalling, 64, 109420. [2]Lucey, B. P., McCullough, A., Landsness, E. C., Toedebusch, C. D., McLeland, J. S., Zaza, A. M., … Holtzman, D. M. (2019). Reduced non–rapid eye movement sleep is associated with tau pathology in early Alzheimer’s disease. Science Translational Medicine, 11(474), eaau6550.