


【TED-ED 】最好最全的英语科普(全700集 )精选

【TED-ED英语合集】第668集Why sitting is bad for youApp05:05
【TED-ED英语合集】第668集Why sitting is bad for you
【TED-ED英语合集】第670集What causes kidney stonesApp05:14
【TED-ED英语合集】第670集What causes kidney stones
【TED-ED英语合集】第671集 What is leukemiaApp04:32
【TED-ED英语合集】第671集 What is leukemia
【TED-ED英语合集】第672集 Would winning the lottery makeApp04:35
【TED-ED英语合集】第672集 Would winning the lottery make
【TED-ED英语合集】第673集 The science of static electricityApp03:38
【TED-ED英语合集】第673集 The science of static electricity
【TED-ED英语合集】第674集How super glue was invented MomentApp01:53
【TED-ED英语合集】第674集How super glue was invented Moment
【TED-ED英语合集】第675集 History vs. Napoleon BonaparteApp05:21
【TED-ED英语合集】第675集 History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte
【TED-ED英语合集】第676集 The mighty mathematicsApp04:45
【TED-ED英语合集】第676集 The mighty mathematics
【TED-ED英语合集】第677集 How bees help plants have sexApp05:25
【TED-ED英语合集】第677集 How bees help plants have sex
【TED-ED英语合集】第678集Did Shakespeare write his playsApp04:06
【TED-ED英语合集】第678集Did Shakespeare write his plays
【TED-ED英语合集】第680集 How coffee got quicker MomentsApp01:47
【TED-ED英语合集】第680集 How coffee got quicker Moments
【TED-ED英语合集】第681集 How turtle shells evolvedApp04:45
【TED-ED英语合集】第681集 How turtle shells evolved
【TED-ED英语合集】第682集 What is imposter syndrome and howApp04:18
【TED-ED英语合集】第682集 What is imposter syndrome and how
【TED-ED英语合集】第683集 Inside the minds of animalsApp05:12
【TED-ED英语合集】第683集 Inside the minds of animals
【TED-ED英语合集】第684集 Did ancient Troy really existApp04:38
【TED-ED英语合集】第684集 Did ancient Troy really exist
【TED-ED英语合集】第685集 How the Königsberg bridge problemApp04:38
【TED-ED英语合集】第685集 How the Königsberg bridge problem
【TED-ED英语合集】第686集 The wildly complex anatomyApp05:22
【TED-ED英语合集】第686集 The wildly complex anatomy
【TED-ED英语合集】第687集 .Why do we love A philosophicalApp05:44
【TED-ED英语合集】第687集 .Why do we love A philosophical
【TED-ED英语合集】第688集 How miscommunication happensApp04:32
【TED-ED英语合集】第688集 How miscommunication happens
【TED-ED英语合集】第689集 The Maya myth of the morningApp04:36
【TED-ED英语合集】第689集 The Maya myth of the morning
【TED-ED英语合集】第690集 Is radiation dangerousApp05:20
【TED-ED英语合集】第690集 Is radiation dangerous
【TED-ED英语合集】第691集 What causes insomniaApp05:11
【TED-ED英语合集】第691集 What causes insomnia
【TED-ED英语合集】第692集Why don’t poisonous animals poisonApp05:09
【TED-ED英语合集】第692集Why don’t poisonous animals poison
【TED-ED英语合集】第693集 Why are human bodies asymmetricalApp04:18
【TED-ED英语合集】第693集 Why are human bodies asymmetrical
【TED-ED英语合集】第694集The 2,400-year search for the atomApp05:22
【TED-ED英语合集】第694集The 2,400-year search for the atom
【TED-ED英语合集】第695集How the stethoscope was inventedApp01:48
【TED-ED英语合集】第695集How the stethoscope was invented
【TED-ED英语合集】第696集 How do brain scans workApp04:59
【TED-ED英语合集】第696集 How do brain scans work
【TED-ED英语合集】第697集What causes antibiotic resistanceApp04:34
【TED-ED英语合集】第697集What causes antibiotic resistance
【TED-ED英语合集】第698集 Why should you read FlanneryApp04:11
【TED-ED英语合集】第698集 Why should you read Flannery
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