电子游戏和电子游戏成瘾会导致游戏玩家加强封闭式解决问题的能力。 由于电子游戏是等待解决的小问题,因此许多游戏玩家非常擅长这种技能。 另一方面,游戏玩家可能难以解决开放式问题,而视频游戏成瘾加剧了这种问题。 电子游戏成瘾本身可能是一个开放式问题,这对电子游戏成瘾者来说很难。 在这段视频中,Kanojia 博士分解了开放式和封闭式问题解决之间的区别,以及它如何适用于电子游戏成瘾。 Video games and video game addiction can cause gamers to strengthen their close-ended problem-solving skills. Because video games are small problems waiting to be solved, many gamers get really good at this type of skill. On the other hand, gamers can struggle with open-ended problem solving which is exacerbated by video game addiction. Video game addiction in it itself can be an open-ended problem, which is hard.