培养竞争兴趣对于战胜电子游戏成瘾是必要的。 电子游戏成瘾是由于您的生活中缺少某些东西,因此需要与电子游戏成瘾一样强大的竞争兴趣。 网络游戏障碍或视频游戏成瘾可以通过相互竞争的兴趣来打破。 在此视频中,K 博士解释了相互竞争的兴趣如何帮助电子游戏成瘾者。 Developing a competing interest is necessary for beating video game addiction. Video game addiction is due to something lacking from your life, so a competing interest that is as powerful as the video game addiction is required. Internet gaming disorder or video game addiction can be broken with a competing interest. In this video, Dr. K explains how a competing interest can help someone with video game addiction.